Monday, May 3, 2010

Website up and running!

Well nearly! As things stand, and I have to confess to being a luddite when it comes to this sort of thing! I have received emails from my hosting site, and from the domain registrar, both talking in some kind of bizarre language that I can't quite understand! But hopefully by the end of this week it'll be going live!

Other news is that I have today joined the ACMP or Australian Commercial and Media Photographers group. Mainly as another piece of shameless of self promotion!

This month I have a couple of new clients. the loverly Louise of Four Essence Yoga and Massage therapy and I am proud to say that I have been named as the official photographer for the Perth has the most beautiful women in the world facebook fan page, not that I needed an excuse to wonder up to attractive young ladies and take their pictures, but if I did, I have it now! :-)

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